I thought yeah, sure he will slip right out of that! I was desperate to try anything, as without tying you can’t do much with a horse. She told me to use a neck rope along with her halter and lead rope. After conducting endless amounts of research, I came across a friend who had the same issue with one of her horses. I began thinking I can’t be the only one that has struggled with this issue.

I finally got him caught, and put back away. He did just that! He snapped the lead rope and got loose. He then backed up and held pressure on the lead rope knowing exactly what he was doing to try and snap the lead rope. I tied him up to the hitching post and began to tack him up for our ride. Well, little did I know he was going to give me a run for my money when it came to tying. Or so it seemed… After letting this new horse settle in for about a week or two I decided to throw a saddle on him and ride. I recently purchased a new horse! Everything was going great when I got him home! He stalled great, fit in well with the other horses, everything was perfect. A leather saddle can be an heirloom we doubt you'll see many Cordura saddles in a museum exhibit fifty years from now. Cordura is a very durable, abrasion-resistant material, and certainly, you're going to get your money's worth, but if you want a guarantee that the saddle will last a lifetime, leather is the only way to go. Leather often leaves more room for your personal taste, giving you plenty of tooling and other stylish elements that will make the saddle all your own.ĭurability: There's no way to say how long a Cordura saddle will last. Cordura saddles can be attractive, but most western enthusiasts prefer the look of leather. Styling: There's no way to replicate the traditional gloss, smell, and styling of a quality leather saddle. It's also easy to care for and resists dirt. According to Invista's website, Cordura is two times more durable than nylon and three times more durable than polyester. It is used in a wide variety of products where durability is important, such as luggage, boots, military apparel, and clothing.Ĭordura is extremely useful for saddles because of its resistance to abrasion. Fabtron and Big Horn have made a variety of Cordura saddles that we're proud to sell.Ĭordura is a registered brand name of a nylon fabric made by Invista. When it comes to synthetic, the only material we're standing behind is Cordura. The Horse Saddle Shop is very picky about what saddles to stock we do not sell imported or cheaply made saddles. Many imported saddles fall into this category. The term synthetic covers a wide range of saddles, including very cheap saddles made out of nylon or vinyl. Synthetic saddles also come in many styling options in a wide variety of disciplines, so whatever you're wanting in a traditional saddle, chances are there's a synthetic saddle that comes close. All that's usually needed to clean a synthetic saddle is a damp cloth. Ease of Care: Throw away that old leather conditioner and the rags that go with it.Weight: Synthetic saddles run half the weight of their leather counterparts, giving your horse less to carry and saving you the hassle of logging around a twenty-five-pound leather saddle.You can get a quality, durable saddle that costs much less than a saddle made out of leather. Price: This is the factor that sways some customers away from a traditional leather saddle.Synthetic saddles have three main advantages over a traditional leather saddle: